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Join the movement by sending lonely seniors letters to brighten up their day!
About Us
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Hi! I am Farah, the Founder and CEO of Letters4theBetter. After volunteering in a nursing home, I realized the lack of visitors and attention the residents get. To combat the loneliness these seniors feel, I decided to set up an organization to send letters to nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Letters4theBetter accepts letters from anyone who wants to contribute to making a senior citizen's day, letting them know that someone cares about them. With these letters, we hope to make a lasting positive impact on our community, one letter at a time. 

Our Mission Statement 

Through the simple yet profound act of sending handwritten letters, our nonprofit strives to brighten the day of lonely seniors, fostering a community of care and support, one heartfelt message at a time.


After submitting the form, you will receive an email with further instructions shortly!


If you decide to join the cause, every other week we will send you via email a Google Form where you can sign up to send letters and upload the ones you have made. Within that Google Form, the next steps will be included so that you can get your community service hours certified. Make sure you are on a personal account; otherwise, you may have issues accessing the form. You can still volunteer even if you don’t want any community service hours in return. You’ve got the fun task to write as many letters as you would like! You can write about whatever you want, but keep in mind that these letters are meant to brighten someone's day, so be imaginative and try to make them cheerful! Don't send gifts, and don't provide your phone number or anything else that would identify you. Since there is something extremely wonderful about receiving something in the mail, all letters must be sent to the seniors in physical form. Please feel free to browse our blog if you need any inspiration.

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